With over a decade of experience in international top law practice at NautaDutilh and Van Doorne, and in-house at various multinationals, Helmer Klingenberg is an expert in the field of Intellectual Property, IT and Privacy law.
Helmer handles a wide array of commercial business matters related to his field of expertise that arise from the day to day business of companies. He is well-versed in negotiating the full spectrum of commercial business contracts, for a broad range of fast paced companies. Throughout his career Helmer successfully litigated in both national and European proceedings for companies that are leaders in their field. Helmer gives strategic, practical advice in complex and sensitive situations.
Helmer’s expertise extends to digital business and innovation, technology, online media, marketing and advertising, retail, fashion, sponsorships, (re)structuring of intellectual property rights and all types of commercial relationships. He has broad experience in drafting and negotiating a variety of commercial contracts in these fields, including in-house at a listed multi-national.
Due to his experience Helmer is able to place the legal perspective in a broader business context, thus best serving your business’ interests and needs.