Godert van Rappard predominantly advises companies in the area of intellectual property rights, information technology and contract law, and litigates in related matters.
Godert specialized in Intellectual Property law at the University of Amsterdam. He started his career at the international law firm NautaDutilh, where he further developed his expertise in the areas of intellectual property and contract law. Godert has extensive experience in litigating before various courts throughout the Netherlands, including before the courts of appeal, and has a broad experience in drafting and negotiating various commercial contracts.
He started his own law firm in 2010, focusing entirely on the field of intellectual property law and commercial contracts. From 2010 to 2015, before he collaborated with Roald Minneboo, Godert also acted as legal advisor of the Dutch Copyright Supervisory Authority, which is charged with the supervision of a great number of collective management organizations in the Netherlands.
Godert van Rappard is a member of the Dutch Copyright Association, the Benelux Association of Trademark and Design Law (BMM), the Licensing Executives Society (LES), the European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA), and the Dutch Association for IP Litigation Lawyers (VIEPA).